Friday, December 18, 2009

Old blogs, new blogs, even in my shoe blogs!

Ok, this is the first post, so why not start with a joke?

What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Beethoven?....
Before, Beethoven touched the world by composing in D-minor.
Michael Jackson touched minors before decomposing.

There you have it. Btw, that joke is my own creation. Tell it, but don't claim you
made it up. You can be proved wrong!

So, this is to be the home of my odd thoughts, rants, and lunch. No, I will not
be serving lunch, but will likely mention lunch from time to time. Lunch.

Sometimes, my blog will be something like this:

Fake yawning is the best practical joke you can play on yourself.

They say that Eskimos have over 100 words for snow... So do we!
to name a few. Please stop telling me uninteresting things.

I have some old blogs from myspace that I'll be moving here periodically because
myspace makes you log in to read them. I don't dig that. You shouldn't have to, and
I'm not going to make you. Please visit me here once in a while, and I'll try to keep updating
when I can.

Pack a lunch!

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